Tag: Bernardo Mota

Bernardo Mota is Hustlin’ All Day, Every Day

At 1:05 you should be prepared to get happy. Hustlin' All Day by Portuguese producer Bernardo Mota gets positively joyful at that moment as this lovely little track erupts with bigger-than-Def Mix piano chords going up like fireworks.

Time Capsule: Inside the new 5 Mag

Joyce Muniz, Fred Everything, LF System, Conrad Colson, How to Save a Landmark, the AI botnet eating streaming platforms alive and more inside the new issue of 5 Mag, out now.


Brutal layoffs at Bandcamp as new owner slashes 50% of staff

A week after promising to preserve many of the site's most beloved features, Bandcamp's new owner has gutted the company's staff. The writing team at Bandcamp Daily is reportedly down to just 3 people.