Tag: Prysm

New Announce: Seth Troxler brings Slacker 85 to Chicago’s Serum

Playing b2b with Jackmaster, Bill Patrick b2b with Hiroko Yamamura and Tres Mortimor on Friday November 3 at Serum at Prysm.

Chicago’s promoters are banding together during lockdown

Chicago club and music industry veterans lead by Nick Karounos, John Curley and Stuart Hackley form Auris Presents for new nightlife "experiences."

Forward: 5 Mag Issue 186 Released

The inside history of Bay Area stalwarts As You Like It, Seven Davis, Jr., Mike Huckaby and more inside the new issue of 5 Mag.


Brutal layoffs at Bandcamp as new owner slashes 50% of staff

A week after promising to preserve many of the site's most beloved features, Bandcamp's new owner has gutted the company's staff. The writing team at Bandcamp Daily is reportedly down to just 3 people.